Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Art -Digitail Designs Update 2

Some new art is in store for you all and I really hope that you enjoy it. I created these a while back when I wanted to figure something out for the Everyday Festival in Jersey City, NJ in 2010. Thought of making bookmarks but they sadly didn't sell. (Nor much did because I was unprepared but my competition were liars who bought their items at wholesale and for crazy cheap and can offer things at low prices...I digress XD) Some of these may look familiar to you and others are new

Now these set of lovelies can be found on my DA site here :

Now I'm selling these pretties as they are laminated one sided 7 inch by 2 inch bookmarks
1 for $6
4 for $20

Not bad price? And Thanks for all of you that have joined and those that do join hope you enjoy the wonders that are my art. These will also be available for prints. Check my DA for details.

Much loves again Blog World
Azu Gabu~ *Nomnom* ;3

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Art - Digitail Designs Update

Well after my first Blog thought I would show off a new piece of work I finished not that long ago. Its Called Elemental Family tree and it barriers 4 pieces I created last year and some I created this year to practically create a special final image of awesomeness. XD 

Note that this has others so if you want to check out my Deviant Art feel free the link is on my page and houses a way for you to get prints or even canvas pictures. Remember to help out your fellow artists/friends whenever you can because a lil words of encouragement can go a long way. So stick by their sides and make them feel at home.

Lots of love and til next time this is Azu Gabu signing off :P xd

Friday, July 22, 2011

New to the Blogging World

"THIS" is my first attempt at making a blog so bare with me. :P The name is Azu Gabu and I prefer those that know me to call me by my furry name. Its a big part of my life and something that I am elated to figure out after these long, long years. When everything hit the fan in my life, found the furry fandom and its something that has grown and made me into the person who now I can be and understand.
With that said, this blog will be the home of variety of news. 
  1. Digitail Creations: Artisan home of my Jewelry/Crafting stuff
  2. Digitail Designs: Home of all my Art (Eventually)
  3. Digitail Dream: This is my Music name.
  4. Digitail Concepts: (W.I.P for ideas)
  5. Digitail Life: This blog is a hub for all these, and my life if you are interested.
 So this ends my first Blog Post and I hope it leads to more because this outlet I hope will lead to a land of incredible opportunities and growth to my future.

I'll end with a picture of myself. Anyway, Enjoy and see the human behind the furry :P
Love you all and til next time, try and keep your pants on :P. Try xD